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AirGuard Air Con Purification Tablets- Tea tree oil & Bergamot(1piece)

  • HKD328

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Brand: AirGuard



Suitable for ≤1 HP window or split type air conditioners.

Without proper treatment, invisible bacteria, viruses and strong musty odour can easily generate and spread out in all types of air conditioners. AirGuard - Air Con delivers sustained Australian Tea Tree Formula vapour throughout the room to eradicate mould, bacteria and viruses.

The AirGuard – Air Con is available in one convenient size and easy to install. It can control the spread of microorganisms and remove odour caused by bacteria in ≤1 HP window or split type air conditioners. AirGuard – Air Con can be used under all different air conditioner modes. It can last for up to 6-12 weeks depending on the use of the air conditioner. The sustained release of Pure Tea Tree Formula vapour can keep our indoor air clean.

Each box has one piece only. 

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